Mada AL Ajyal  Trading & Contracting post thumbnail



We believe Mada Al-Ajya l to be a special Group, a Group of people proud of their past and excited about their futu re. It is a com pa ny defined by the cha racter and integrity of its people. As we work to serve our customers, to build strong tech nology and products, innovate and crea te, we always keep pa ra mou nt in our minds the im porta nce of advancing our outstand ing reputation throug h our pe rsona l integrity, ou r shared values and through our consistently ethica l and honest business conduct.


Over Eight Decad es, we’ve taken great strides towa rd the rea lization of I nteg ration, Confidence, Agility and Honesty. Vision of our grandfathers is wed ged on concrete insight supported by our continuous achievements.


Headq uartered in Basra, IRAQ with off ices in Baghdad and E rbil, Corporate Office in Dubai (UAE), Two Operations Offices in Dubai (UAE) and Regiona l Offices in Am ma n (JORDAN), Mada Al-Ajyal continue its mission together with the support of a tea m of dedicated professionals towa rd im proving its services and prod ucts, tirelessly.


We at Mada Al-Ajyal , ta ke pride of our strong commitment to integrate our worldwide distributed teams, operations and projects in the fields of Infrast ructu re, Engineering, Construction, Procurement, EPC,   Contracting,  Consulta ncy,  Logistics,     Training,                Project

Management, Geosciences, Su rveys, GIS, Remote Sensing, Environ ment, Geotech nics, Ma rin e Services, Specialized Tech nica l Supplies, and Oil & Gas Services.


As we work together to build a strong futu re, we will all contin ue to live our va lues, and apply the high standa rds em bodied in Mada Al-Ajya l Co. Business Cond uct Policies every day and all of the tim e.


History & Location

Founded in 2009 Mada Al- Ajyal for trading and constrction started to operate with the gained experience of its sister company; (RS) which has been operating in Iraq since 1996 through its offices in Jordan & UAE.  Since its establishment Mada Al- Ajyal for trading and constrction co., maintained the oilfield business line started by (RS).


Mada Al- Ajyal for trading and constrction  is an offshore company located in Baghdad, Iraq,

taking the benefit of the fact that Jordan has been the bridge between Iraq and the Western Countries, making our location distinguished and most effective in doing business with Iraq over the past years.



Mada Al- Ajyal for trading and constrction co.maintained an excellent reputation at the Iraqi ministry of oil, throughout the quality of goods, delivery period and after sales service that were greatly appreciated by our customers. Following are some of our major customers:


).             Iraqi Drilling Company, Baghdad, Iraq

>             North Oil Company, Kirkuk, Iraq

>             South Oil Company, Basrah, Iraq

>             South Refineries Company, Basrah, Iraq